Ottimizzazione e processi dinamici in apprendimento statistico e problemi inversi
Optimisation et processus dynamiques en apprentissage et dans les problèmes inverses

8-12 settembre – septembre, 2014 | Fondazione Mediaterraneo, Sestri Levante (GE), Italia

Il convegno ha lo scopo di stimolare discussioni e possibili collaborazioni tra studiosi italiani e francesi sui seguenti temi: algoritmi per ottimizzazione convessa e le inclusioni monotone, metodi del punto fisso, teoria dei giochi, interazioni tra dinamiche discrete e continue, teoria dell'apprendimento statistico, analisi di grandi aggregazioni di dati, problemi inversi.

Le but de ce colloque est de stimuler les discussions et de favoriser la création de nouvelles collaborations entre chercheurs italiens et français sur les thèmes suivants: algorithmes pour l'optimisation convexe et les inclusions monotones, méthodes de point fixe, théorie des jeux, interactions entre dynamiques discrètes et continues, théorie de l'apprentissage statistique, traitement de masses de données, problèmes inverses.

Con il patrocinio di – Partenaires

Partecipanti – Participants  | Programma – Programme  | Comitato scientifico – Comité scientifique  | Organizzatori – Organisateurs | Hotel

Partecipanti – Participants

Programma – Programme

Lunedì – Lundi:

14:50–15:00 : Apertura – Ouverture
15:00–15:30 : Cominetti, Sequential averaging for nonexpansive maps
15:30–16:00 : Bonettini, Variable metric first order methods for smooth and nonsmooth optimization
16:00–16:30 : Attouch, A proximal-Newton method for monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces with complexity O(1/k2)

Martedì – Mardi :

09:30–10:00 : Pustelnik, Spectral analysis revisited with optimization techniques
10:00–10:30 : Fadili, Low complexity regularization of inverse problems
10:30–11:00 : Chiuso, Bayesian methods for system identification
11:00–11:30 : Pausa caffè – Pause café
11:30–12:00 : Garrigos, Multicriteria optimization some continuous and discrete dynamics
12:00–12:30 : Vũ, A splitting algorithm for coupled systems of primal-dual monotone inclusions

14:30–15:00 : Piana, Two optimization problems in physiology
15:00–15:30 : Villa, Stochastic forward-backward splitting algorithm

Mercoledì – Mercredi:

09:30–10:00 : Bolte, Proximal alternating linearized minimization for semi-algebraic problems
10:00–10:30 : Calafiore, Mixed-integer random convex programs
10:30–11:00 : Renault, Robust strategies in an evolving unknown environment
11:00–11:30 : Pausa caffè – Pause café
11:30–12:00 : De Vito, Kernel methods for support estimation
12:00–12:30 : Chambolle, Convergence of the iterates and rates for an inertial forward-backward descent method

14:30–15:00 : Benfenati, Inexact Bregman regularization for Poisson data
15:00–15:30 : Chouzenoux, A stochastic 3MG algorithm with application to 2D filter identification
15:30–16:00 : Lucchetti, Strong Nash equilibria in finite games
16:00–16:30 : Fevotte, Dynamical nonnegative matrix factorisation for audio signal processing

Giovedì – Jeudi:

09:30–10:00 : Salzo, Nonparametric regression in Orlicz spaces?
10:00–10:30 : Pesquet, Stochastic block-coordinate fixed point iterations with applications to splitting
10:30–11:00 : Pontil, On the k-support and related norms
11:00–11:30 : Pausa caffè – Pause café
11:30–12:00 : Quang, Quasi Bregman monotonicity and applications
12:00–12:30 : Giulini, Dimension free PAC-Bayes bounds for the Gram matrix

14:30–15:00 : Verri, Learning, regularization, and optimization for computational biology
15:00–15:30 : Rudi, Learning sets and subspaces: a spectral approach

Venerdì – Vendredi:

10:00–10:30 : Sorin, Asymptotic value of repeated games and iteration of nonexpansive maps
10:30–11:00 : Champion, Displacement convexity
11:00–11:30 : Pausa caffè – Pause café
11:30–12:00 : Rosasco, Early stopping for computational learning
12:00–12:30 : Combettes, Some aspects of the interplay between convex analysis and monotone operator theory

Comitato scientifico – Comité scientifique

Organizzatori – Organisateurs


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